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2013-06-22: Transfered all of my 2011 "My Year in Music" posts from Facebook.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Year in Music - 2011 - #8

[This was originally posted on Facebook only, but I thought I'd make it a bit more accessible and get in in here. Just forgot about it for a couple of years].

2011 is coming to an end, and I figured I'd start looking back on some of the music that has emerged on my horizon this year. It's not all new, it's not all brilliant - but it all interests me in some way or another. I thought I'd share.

#8: Fair to Midland
I stumbled across Fair to Midland shortly after their third studio album, "Fables from a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times Is True", was released in 2007, and at first I didn't really know what to think of them. Fragile vocals with with strange power hidden inside, synth and powerful guitar riffs shoved into a bizarre metal/prog/pop package, which... oh, never mind. I can't even begin to describe them properly.
Bottom line - Fair to Midland is a unique animal, in my opinion. They do lots of things with their music that shouldn't work for me at all - but just does. They're the kind of band that may be superstars one day, or just as likely stay in (relative) obscurity forever.

Their fourth album, "Arrows and Anchors" (2011) first struck me as much weaker than "Fables from a Mayfly", but grew on me for each new listen. Then it faded. Then it grew more. That's just the way Fair to Midland works, I guess.
Check it out, and make up your own minds.

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