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2013-06-22: Transfered all of my 2011 "My Year in Music" posts from Facebook.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Morph-o'-the-Week #2: Gro Thatcher

[This time, the combination of people will probably make no sense to my English-speaking visitors (if I have any), so I'll do this post in Norwegian. Sorry. You can read the bottom part of the post, though. I have no good ideas of my own.]

Gro Harlem Brundtland ----- og ----- Margaret Thatcher
kombineres, og utgjør:

Gro Thatcher

Oooooohhhh! Veldig politisk, er det ikke?
Næh. Ikke egentlig.

I'm open for suggestions regarding the next Morph-o'-the-Week: Comment here or on my Facebook page.
Be creative, and maybe you'll get your wish. Michael Jackson morphed with Prince? Clint Eastwood morphed with Ashton Kutcher? The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

  1. Bra morph! Begge er sterke kvinner som har gjort stor forskjell, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt.

    ...selv om Brundtland er en autoritær elitisk sosialist, og Thatcher er en råkapitalist.
